
Ovirt: installation -- using cockpit wizard


oVirt is an open-source distributed virtualization solution, designed to manage your entire enterprise infrastructure. oVirt uses the trusted KVM hypervisor and is built upon several other community projects, including libvirt, Gluster, PatternFly, and Ansible.
Go to Ovirtto see how to install Ovirt.
oVirt Engine and a Host are installed together with the Engine running as a Virtual Machine on that Host.I use cockpit wizard to install Ovirt on CentOS.
Two types hosts

  • oVirt node, other name ‘thin host’, it is a minimal OS, contains the only packagesrequired for the machine to act as a host.
  • centOS or RHEL host
    I use centOS 7 as a host.
    yum update -y
    Add the official oVirt repository:
    yum install https://resources.ovirt.org/pub/yum-repo/ovirt-release43.rpm
    I use cockpit wizard to install Ovirt on CentOS.
    Install Cockpit and the cockpit-ovirt-dashboard plugin:
    yum install cockpit cockpit-ovirt-dashboard -y
    Enable Cockpit:
    systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket
    Open the firewall:
    firewall-cmd --add-service=cockpit
    firewall-cmd --add-service=cockpit --permanent
    Access the Administration Portal using a web browser,log in with user name ‘admin’ and password at https://[Host IP or FQDN]:9090.
    click Virtualization → Hosted Engine to add a host

To be continued…